
What is LAMP


LAMP is an acronym for a solution stack of free, open source software, originally coined from the first letters of Linux (operating system), Apache HTTP Server, MySQL (database software) and Perl/PHP/Python, principal components to build a viable general purpose web server
• Linux is a Unix-like computer operating system kernel.
• A major emphasis of Linux development is security, which makes it an appealing choice for a web-server application.
• Linux is free open-source software which means the source code is provided with operating system, which can be edited according to specific needs.
• Linux-based operating systems are Unix-like, a Linux server is more natively-compatible with other server-oriented platforms, such as Solaris and BSD, than non-Unix-like systems like Microsoft Windows.
• Apache is a free software/open source web server, the most popular in use.
• MySQL is a multithreaded, multi-user, SQL database management system (DBMS) now owned by Oracle Corporation with more than eleven million installations.
PHP, Perl, or Python
PHP is a reflective programming language originally designed for producing dynamic web pages. PHP is used mainly in server-side application software. Perl and Python can be used similarly.

[Asynchronous JavaScript & XML] AJAX is basically a mix of multiple programming and development technologies.

Ajax is a new web technology which breaks page reload paradigm, it can send and retrieve data without reloading the whole web page, and this primarily saves time and bandwidth.
Understanding the benefits of using this technology for web application development. We have developed several complex web applications in Ajax like

Content Management systems,
• Image gallery applications and many more.

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